Movie Website Redesign

The Mayfair Theatre, one of Ottawa's cherished neighborhood cinemas and Canada's enduring independent movie houses. In this case, we have meticulously crafted a revamped site map for Mayfair, aimed at enhancing the user experience throughout the easy ticketing process and viewing schedule. Prepare to explore our beautifully redesigned schedule, immersive "about" section, captivating single movie pages, and various other engaging pages.

The workflow for this project follows a systematic approach. Firstly, we begin by thoroughly understanding the client and their project through the completion of a comprehensive creative brief. We then establish the client's target positioning by creating personas that represent their intended audience. To effectively manage the project timeline, we utilize Gantt charts for scheduling purposes.

Following productive client meetings, we proceed to design a moodboard that captures the desired aesthetic and sets the design direction for the website. To ensure optimal user experience, we meticulously revise the existing sitemap and progress to develop both low-fidelity and high-fidelity wireframes.

Moving forward, we maintain open communication with our front-end developers, allowing them to intervene promptly as needed. As a cohesive design team, we collaborate closely with project testing and engage in version iteration to refine and enhance the final product.

